Effective process by which a multitude of problems can be solved by going to the source of them and restoring order to the family system where they originated.
Systemic Family Constellations originated as group therapy. The person presenting their problem chooses representatives where each of them will personalize a family member or an aspect of the problem.
The same process can be facilitated individually by using symbolic objects that act as representatives.
A very effective method that I use individually when doing online constellation is called Hypno-Constellation.

Metaphysical Counselor and Ph.D. in Psychology. Luke is a doctor of psychology, a member of MSEC (Metaphysical Society for the Expansion of Consciousness), based in London and teaches for the School of Metaphysics. He is also a certified EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) practitioner, Reconnective Healing, Hypnotherapist and facilitator of Systemic Family Constellations. Dr. Luca Occelli
Effective process by which a multitude of problems can be solved by going to the source of them and restoring order to the family system where they originated.

Metaphysical Counselor and Dr. in Psychology.
Luke is a doctor of psychology, a member of MSEC (Metaphysical Society for the Expansion of Consciousness), based in London and teaches for the School of Metaphysics. He is also a certified EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) practitioner, Reconnective Healing, Hypnotherapist and facilitator of Systemic Family Constellations.
Dr. Luca Occelli
Individual and group sessions…
Systemic Family Constellations originated as group therapy. The person presenting their problem chooses representatives where each of them will personalize a family member or an aspect of the problem.
The same process can be facilitated individually by using symbolic objects that act as representatives.
A very effective method that I use individually when doing online constellation is called Hypno-Constellation.
The founder is Bert Hellinger, a German psychologist who has studied and worked with families for more than 50 years since 1980. He has observed that many of us unconsciously assume destructive family patterns that generate anxiety, depression, anger, guilt, loneliness, alcoholism and even illness as demonstrations of belonging to our families.
According to Hellinger, every family member has a special place and has the same right to belong to the family system. The same also applies to stillborn and aborted children.
If some family member has died, forgotten, excluded or ignored, in a subsequent generation someone may repeat their fate by experiencing a similar misfortune. Once the difficult fates of those who have gone before are recognized and honored, it is possible to restore order and break the chain that conditions life at present.
Each person is thus seen as part of a larger whole-a family system-rather than as a separate identity.
Individual feelings, behaviors and attitudes must therefore be understood in the context of a larger group.
According to Hellinger, suffering arises when one or more members of the system unconsciously violate ancestral family laws.
How a constellation unfolds:
During a group constellation, the facilitator listens to the problem the client wants to address. Family representatives are then chosen from among the participants who, by listening to each other, will provide useful information for understanding the problem dynamic at hand.
Representatives experience feelings and emotions that belong to the people they represent and will feel that they make impulsive movements that explain the systemic entanglements that exist between them.
Resolving phrases will be made to be spoken to restore harmony and order to the system.
A constellation can also be carried out individually.
Panels can be used to be placed on the floor on which the client stands to sense what the other components of the system are hearing, or objects or puppets such as playmobiles representing the people involved are used.
A very effective method that I use individually when doing online constellation is called Hypno-Constellation.
I guide the client through a visualization to connect and represent people, emotions in an inner space.
Contact me to book a session.
The founder is Bert Hellinger, a German psychologist who has studied and worked with families for more than 50 years since 1980. He has observed that many of us unconsciously assume destructive family patterns that generate anxiety, depression, anger, guilt, loneliness, alcoholism and even illness as demonstrations of belonging to our families.
According to Hellinger, every family member has a special place and has the same right to belong to the family system. The same also applies to stillborn and aborted children.
If some family member has died, forgotten, excluded or ignored, in a subsequent generation someone may repeat their fate by experiencing a similar misfortune. Once the difficult fates of those who have gone before are recognized and honored, it is possible to restore order and break the chain that conditions life at present.
Each person is thus seen as part of a larger whole-a family system-rather than as a separate identity.
Individual feelings, behaviors and attitudes must therefore be understood in the context of a larger group.
According to Hellinger, suffering arises when one or more members of the system unconsciously violate ancestral family laws.
How a constellation unfolds:
During a group constellation, the facilitator listens to the problem the client wants to address. Family representatives are then chosen from among the participants who, by listening to each other, will provide useful information for understanding the problem dynamic at hand.
Representatives experience feelings and emotions that belong to the people they represent and will feel that they make impulsive movements that explain the systemic entanglements that exist between them.
Resolute phrases will be made to be spoken to restore harmony and order to the system.
A constellation can also be carried out individually.
Panels can be used to be placed on the floor on which the client stands to sense what the other components of the system are hearing, or objects or puppets such as playmobiles representing the people involved are used.
A very effective method that I use individually when doing online constellation is called Hypno-Constellation.
I guide the client through a visualization to connect and represent people, emotions in an inner space.
Contact me to book a session.