Luca Occelli is one of the pioneers of metaphysics applied to personal development. A prolific and charismatic motivational speaker, he has given numerous talks for a variety of audiences in the UK and Italy. He also offers private consultations to help people and companies with problems-from addictions to dysfunctional business. Luca is a psychologist, registered inthe Piedmont professional register. He is a member of MSEC (Metaphysical Society for the Expansion of Consciousness), based in London, and teaches for the School of Metaphysics. He is also a certified EMDR practitioner, facilitator of Systemic Family Constellations, hypnotic techniques and Reconnective Healing. Luke loves helping people and teaching complex concepts in a clear and understandable way. These include life sciences, how to live peacefully and human psychology which he offers in a unique and inspiring way. He helps change limited perceptions with motivating ones to achieve successful outcomes and goals. BOOK AN APPOINTMENT NOW

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